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海报组|宝藏江西里的世界级非遗 Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity in Jiang

2023-07-28 09:58  阅读:1839 


The long-standing Chinese culture is not only embodied in canonical books and cultural relics, but also in intangible cultural heritages that have been passed on from generation to generation. As of December 2022, China has a total of 43 items inscribed on UNESCO'sRepresentative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, ranking first in the world in terms of total number.


On November 29, 2022, the tea processing techniquesof Hakka Leicha, Wuyuan green tea and Ning Hong Tea in Jiangxi Province were Inscribed in UNESCO's Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, achievinga major breakthrough for Jiangxi Province in this list.

1. 赣南客家擂茶制作技艺

Hakka LeichaTea Processing Techniques


Hakka Leicha tea processing techniques are very unique. Its basic ingredients include fresh tea, glutinous rice, sesame, soybean, peanuts, salt and various herbal medicine. All the prepared ingredients are put in mortar, then use a pestle to pound and grind ingredients repeatedly into tea power along the inner wall of the mortar. When drinking it, put the tea power into the mortar or a big pot, pour into the boiling water, add some camellia oil, then stir them with the pestle, then a bowl of sweet, fragrant and refreshing Hakka Leicha tea is finished. Hakka Leicha tea can be dated back to the Han Dynasty and is popular in the residential areas of Hakka people in the south Jiangxi Province. It is their traditional tea-drinking custom and also a continuation of ancient tea-drinking customs.

2. 婺源绿茶制作技艺

Wuyuan Green Tea Processing Techniques


The production of Wuyuan green tea has a long history and it is inherited from generation to generation. The Classic of Tea, a book written by Lu Yu in the Tang Dynastyrecordedthat“Shezhou tea was from Wuyuan valley”, which shows that Wuyuan was the main tea production place of Shezhouat that time. The traditional skills of making Wuyuan green tea have to followa set of processes like picking, natural drying, enzyme inactivation,rolling, baking, and drying, which make Wuyuan green tea have the characteristics such as rich aroma and taste, green soup and leaves, and durable brewing.


Ning Hong Tea Processing Techniques


Ning Hong Tea, originated in Manjiang Town, Xiushui County, is one of the earliest Kongfu black tea. The traditional techniques of makingNing Hong Tea consists of two procedures with more than ten processes. The basic procedure mainly includes withering, rolling, fermentation, and drying. The refining procedure is mainly for sieving,sorting, reheating, packing, and creatively forms the unique skills of light withering, heavy rolling, sufficient fermentation. Ning Hong Tea is world-famous for its tight knot, gold pekoe, upright tip, dark color, lasting aroma, bright and red leaf, and rich and fresh taste. The long-lasting apple aroma is the unique natural fragrance of Ning Hong Tea.





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